River Delta Unified State Preschool Online Enrollment
STEP 1: Prepare for the Online Registration
To successfully complete the online registration process you will need:
- A valid address within school district boundaries
- Contact information for Parent(s)/Guardian(s), and emergency contacts
- Immunizations and immunization dates
- Previous School information (School name, address, phone number...)
- Read the River Delta State Preschool Handbook (English / Spanish)
STEP 2: Online Enrollment
Please click this link to navigate to the The River Delta Unified Aeries Online Enrollment. Once your Aeries Parent Portal account has been created you can log back into the Aeries Online Enrollment to complete the process at a later time.
STEP 3: Additional Forms
After the River Delta Preschool has verified qualification for the State Preschool you must complete the following State of California forms:
- Identification and Emergency Information (LIC700 English / Spanish)
- Physician’s Report (LIC701 English / Spanish)
- Child’s Permission Health History – Parent’s Report (LIC 702 English / Spanish)
- Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment (LIC 627 English / Spanish)
- Personal Rights (LIC 613A English / Spanish)
- Child Care Center Notification of Parents’ Rights (LIC 995 English / Spanish)
STEP 4: Enrollment Required Documents
The following is required for enrollment in River Delta Unified State Preschool. Please bring these documents to your son/daughter's school office to complete the school enrollment process.
- Age and legal name verification – ONE of the following:
- Certified copy of a birth certificate or a statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birt
- Baptismal certificate or official hospital record of birth;
- Passport
- When none of the above is obtainable, an Affidavit for Proof of Age of Minor signed by the student’s parent/legal guardian may be accepted
- Immunization records (see Immunization Requirement Sheet in Part III of this packet)
- Current proof of residence within the district (Note: must be a street address; P.O. Box is not acceptable) consisting of any ONE of the following with the present address and the name of the parent or legal guardian listed:
- Property tax payment receipts
- Mortgage statement, rental property contract, or lease agreement
- Current utility service (e.g., PG&E, SMUD, water, garbage, sewer) contract, statement, or payment receipt
- Rental property payment receipt
- Parent or guardian’s recent pay stub
- Voter registration
- Correspondence from a government agency (e.g., documentation from the Department of Human Assistance, court documents, motor vehicle registration, driver’s license, etc.).
- Declaration of residency executed by the student’s parent/guardian
- If the student is residing in the home of a caregiving adult within district boundaries, an affidavit executed by the care-giving adult