River Delta Unified Public Records Request
California Public Record Act (CPRA) Request
A public record request will be processed by the department in which the request corresponds and may need to be reviewed by the District’s legal counsel. A requirement of the CPRA does not include the creation or preparation of records or documents that do not exist at the time of the request.
The CPRA requires public agencies to initially respond to a request for records within ten calendar days. River Delta Unified School District will strive to complete the request within this timeframe. However, if the request for records includes documents from several departments or facilities, are numerous, the collection, reviewing and preparing of said records are difficult to compile, RDUSD may inform the requester within the ten-day period the status of their request and the estimated time the request will be completed.
How to Submit a Public Records Request
A public records request may be submitted compleating the form below or by submitting your request electronically, in writing, to the River Delta Unified School District – District Office (445 Montezuma Street, Rio Vista, CA 94571); by fax (707) 374-2995 or by emailing to Contactus@rdusd.org.
Please Note – Student records are confidential and do not fall under the PRA. For Student records please contact the school site in which the student last attended.