Complaints Procedure


The first step in resolving a complaint is to communicate with the employee, their supervisor or school site administrator. If the issue cannot be resolved at the site level or is of a serious nature, a more formal procedure is available.

General Complaint

A general complaint is a written statement alleging concerns or issues with a District employee, student, or any unresolved school process. To submit a general complaint, please send a summary of the issue to or through mail to:

River Delta Unified School District
445 Montezuma Street
Rio Vista, CA 94571
(707) 374-1700

A District staff member will follow up with you to obtain more information and to assist in resolving the issue.

Uniform Complaint

A Uniform Complaint is a written statement alleging discrimination, harassment, or a violation of a federal or state law or regulation. A complaint must be filed by way of the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) as written in the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 4600-4687. Information about how to file uniform complaints is available in Board Policy 1312.3. Please see Board Policy 5131.2 for details on bullying.

Uniform Complaint for Title IX

Williams Uniform Complaint

A Williams Uniform Complaint refers to insufficient instructional materials, to an emergency or urgent facility condition that poses a threat to the health and safety of pupils, or to teacher mis-assignment or vacancy. This type of complaint can be filed anonymously. Information regarding Williams Uniform Complaints is available in Administrative Regulation 1312.4.

To file a Uniform or Williams Uniform complaint, please complete an English or Spanish Uniform Complaint form and return it to your school site or River Delta USD. Free forms are available at the school and on this website, but the form is not required to make a complaint. Complaints will be kept as confidential as appropriate.

Complaint Resolution Timeline

If you have followed the first step in resolving a complaint and the concern remains unresolved, please submit the appropriate complaint form. If you are unsure which type of complaint you are filing, please file a general complaint. The District attempts to resolve all general and uniform complaints as quickly as possible. If there is a prolonged investigation, the process may take up to a maximum of 60 days.

The District prohibits retaliation against any participant in the complaint process. Each complaint will be investigated promptly and in a way that respects the privacy of all parties concerned and fulfills all legal requirements.

River Delta Unified School District
445 Montezuma Street
Rio Vista, CA 94571
(707) 374-1700