River Delta Unified School District Payroll Information
Find information concerning your paychecks, and get answers to all your questions concerning, days off, benefits, and securing a substitute.
Question: Why can’t I log into my employee Self Service (ESS) to view my online pay stubs or leave?
Answer: Make sure that District 91 is selected in the top right corner. If you have forgotten your login information please contact District Office Business Department. They will be happy to reset your login information, or help you with any related questions.
Question: I turned in my information for automatic Direct Deposit. Why did I still receive a paper check?
Answer: If an employees has made changes to Direct Deposit, whether it is signing up for direct deposit or changing their direct deposit bank account, their first check, after making this change, will be a paper check. The following payroll compensation will be directly deposited.
Question: I want to take some classes to earn units and move on the salary schedule. What do I do and/or who do I contact?
Answer: Teachers can make movement on the salary schedule in two ways. They can move down in the salary schedule by accumulating years of service. They can also move across the salary schedule through the accumulation of approved college course units.
The name and description of the course the teacher is interested in taking would need to be submitted to the RDUSD Personnel department for approval. Once a decision is made, the RDUSD Personnel department will notify the teacher via email.
Once the course has been completed, an official transcript or grade report would need to be submitted to the RDUSD Personnel department by no later than October 1st. If the units constitute a move on the salary schedule, the change will be reflected on the October 31st paycheck, retroactive back to August. Per the union contract, there is only one other time that a teacher can move on the salary schedule. However, a letter of intent needs to be submitted to the RUDSD Personnel department no later than October 1st stating that a course(s) is in progress that will be completed and a transcript or grade report will be submitted between October – February.
Question: How does insurance work in RDUSD?
Answer: The Open Enrollment period to select your health insurance occurs in September of every school year. The health insurance selected in September go into effect the following January.
Question: Can I drop my health benefits at any time?
Answer: Yes. An employee can drop health benefits coverage at any time. However, it is important to understand that an employee can only enroll or make changes in coverage at Open Enrollment. The only exception to this is if there is loss of previous coverage through spouse, parents, or marriage.
If you have any other questions concerning Health Benefits please contact District Office Business Department.
Question: How do I secure a substitute teacher if I am ill, have a personal necessity, or need a No-Tell Day?
Question: How many days are afforded by RDUSD for sick leave/personal necessity, and/or No-Tell Days?
Answer: Getting a Substitute/Signing into Frontline
Login into Frontline or type aesoponline.com in your web browser’s address bar or go to app.frontlineeducation.com if you have a Frontline Account.
The Sign In page will appear. Enter your ID/username and PIN/password and click Sign In.
* If you cannot recall your credentials, use the recovery options or click the “Having trouble signing in?” link for more details.
Question: How many days are afforded by RDUSD for sick leave/personal necessity, and/or No-Tell Days?
Answer: Each employee receives 10 days per school year for sick leave.
A teacher may elect to use up to seven (7) days of his/her sick leave for personal necessity absences
Two (2) days per year (of your 7 days of personal necessity absences) may be taken as No-Tell Days with the following stipulations:
48-hour notice
Limited to two (2) per school site per day or (8) districtwide per day.
The union contract language reads “for which the disclosure of business will not be required nor need to fall under the guidelines for personal necessity days”.
Any absence over five (5) days requires certification from a physician.
Question: Can any reason count as Personal Necessity for being absence from work?
Answer: The following are reasons not considered as Personal Necessity:
Work Stoppage
Seeking Employment
Conferences (see voluntary absences)
Other Employment
Residential Upkeep
Question: What do I do if someone from my family passes?
Answer: Bereavement leave must be taken at the time of the death of the family member. Three (3) days with pay are allowed when travel is less than 200 miles. Five (5) days with pay are allowed when travel is 200 miles or more.
If leave is not taken at the time of the bereavement, no further allowance may be made.
Member of Immediate Family include:
father (stepfather)/father-in-law
mother (stepmother)/mother-in-law
son (stepson)/son-in-law
daughter (stepdaughter)/daughter-in-law
the grandparents of the teacher or the teacher's spouse
any person living in the immediate household of the teacher, or a foster son or daughter
Question: I recently got married and my last name is changed. I need to make the name change for all my district information. What do I do?
Answer: For a District to make a legal change to an employee’s name, the employee must provide the District with a copy of the employee’s social security card reflecting the name change.