Beginning of the School Year Parent Tasks

First, if you are a new to River Delta Unified, Welcome! As the 2022-23 school year approaches it is important that all parents address some Back-To-School tasks before the school year begins.

1. Complete the Aeries Data Confirmation

Each school year parents will be asked to complete the Aeries Data Confirmation this is similar to completing a Back-to-School packet, yet it is now digital, streamed lined, and simple to complete on either a computer or cell phone. For step-by-step instructions please follow this link.

2. Update your Aeries Parent Portal password

At the end of July, prior to the beginning of each school year, Aeries requires all users: parents, students, and teachers to update their password. This helps to ensure that River Delta Unified Aeries data is secure. For instructions on how to update your password, or instructions on what to do if you have forgotten you password, please follow this link.

For general information about the Aeries Parent Portal and answers to questions, please follow this link.

3. Make sure that you have validated your information in ParentSquare.

Finally, ParentSquare is the River Delta Unified communication tool. All communications from your son/daughter's teacher, school, and district will come from ParentSquare (Also named Aeries Communications). To verify and/or activate your ParentSquare account please follow this link.

For general information about ParentSquare and answers to questions, please follow this link.