Expanded Learning Opportunities Plan

California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 3400
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901

River Delta Unified School District
445 Montezuma Street
Rio Vista, California 94571
(707) 374-1700 Phone | (707) 374-2995 Fax
Local Educational Agency (LEA) Name: River Delta Unified School District
Program Administrator Contact Name: Lucia Becerra
Program Administrator Email: lbecerra@rdusd.org
Program Administrator Phone: 916-997-3197
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Sites
- Bates Elementary School
- D.H. White Elementary School
- Isleton Elementary School
- Walnut Grove Elementary School
Target Population Percentage of School Population

The purpose of the program plan is to create an operational design of an after-school program within the framework of the requirements defined in California Education Code (EC) sections 8482 et seq., and to describe program activities which support students’ development of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills. Social and Emotional Learning is about helping students develop a range of skills they need for school and life. Social-Emotional skills include the ability to:
- Set and achieve positive goals
- Feel and show empathy for others
- Establish and maintain positive relationships
- Make responsible decisions
- Understand and manage emotions
All of these skills are necessary - both for educators and students - to function well in the classroom, in the community, and in college and careers.
“Expanded learning” means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. It is the intent of the Legislature that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities in the regular school day and school year. (EC Section 8482.1[a])
“Expanded learning opportunities” has the same meaning as “expanded learning” as defined in EC Section 8482.1. “Expanded learning opportunities” does not mean an extension of instructional time, but rather, opportunities to engage pupils in enrichment, play, nutrition, and other developmentally appropriate activities. (EC Section 46120[e][1])
The program plan is considered a living document that is periodically reviewed and adjusted to reflect the needs of the community and to provide continuous improvement in the development of an effective after school program. The after-school grantee is responsible for creating, reviewing, and updating the program plan every three years (EC Section 8482.3[g][1]). The grantee must work collaboratively with after school partners and staff to develop and review the program plan. If the grantee subcontracts with an outside provider to operate the after-school program, the grantee is ultimately responsible for the plan. The grantee should include the subcontractor in the development and review of the plan and provide a copy of the document to the subcontractor. It is recommended that the plan be reviewed annually. The Expanded Learning Division adopted the Quality Standards and introduced requirements for Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) to help programs to engage in reflection and be intentional about program management practices and activities delivered to students. To create the program plan, provide a narrative description in response to the prompts listed under each Quality Standard section. The grantee may customize and include additional prompts, such as describing SEL activities, to refine your plan. In addition to the narrative response, it may be useful to include tables, charts or other visual representations that contribute to the understanding of the before and after school program.
1-Safe and Supportive Environment:
Describe how the program will provide opportunities for students to experience a safe and supportive environment. Include if the program will be offered on the school site or off-campus. If not on-site, describe where in the community it will be and how students will be supported to get there.
Our highest priority is to provide a safe, welcoming and as well as nurturing environment in which students can learning, and flourish to their potential. The Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELO-P) follows the same procedures as the regular school day as closely as possible. We consider the changes in variables that happen with during off hours and limited staff. All The Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELO-P) staff members are required to be CPR and First Aid certified. Each staff member always keeps a first aid kit with them.
The Site Coordinator is an active member of the School Site Council, which helps develop the school safety plan. The safety plan includes all Expanded Learning staff members. The program and site coordinator are also a member of the school safety team with the district wide program, Catapult EMS.
Expanded Learning staff members are responsible for knowing all emergency procedures and evacuation routes put in place by the district. The site coordinator meets with staff members to discuss any concerns or modifications that may be needed during program hours. Expanded learning staff members are provided with a two-way radio as a means of communication during program hours. Flashlights and first aid kits are also located in all expanded learning classrooms. Each staff member is to carry a binder with a list of students who are in their group. The staff member writes the time of which any student has departed that day or notes any students who are absent. This method helps to conduct head counts quickly and efficiently in the event of an emergency.
Our school counselor advises our peer mediation program at The Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELO-P). She meets with students once a week during the program. Our staff members collaborate with the counselor to help support all students and brainstorms strategies and implement activities based on student’s needs.
Each one of our classrooms that we use for our program is equipped with the calm corner/ space. Students who are feeling upset, frustrated, stressed or are in need of a mental break, are free to use these spaces as needed. In the space students have access to a variety of methods to help them regain focus and return to the planned activity.
Family plays a significant role in student’s success. Any adults that are involved in student’s home life would be their family. These adults can bridge the gap between home, school, and the community. Therefore, ensuring everyone receives information they need about the ELO-P is extremely important. We will practice a variety of methods to gets the information they need. This includes Parent Square, newsletters, emails, social media posts, phone calls, flyers.
All information being shared to family such as documents and communications will be translated the language(s) spoken by family.
Academic Support Includes: First Hour: homework help will be provided, tutoring, and learning, encouraging activities.
All ELO-P offerings will be located on the school site.
2–Active and Engaged Learning:
Describe how the program will provide opportunities for students to experience active and engaged learning that either supports or supplements, but does not duplicate, the instructional day.
The Expanded Learning Opportunity Program uses STREAM based activities. Expanded learning staff members create lesson plans to meet each category of STREAM: Science, Technology, Recreation, Engineering, Art, and Math. We strive to make every activity a learning opportunity.
Our program offers one to two clubs a month. Each club is a month long and meets once a week. Students can sign up for clubs as long as it’s in the correct age group. Students conclude each club with a student response to help our program improve and plan for future clubs. Clubs that will be featured this year are; Cooking club, art club, Lego quest, photography, engineering, beading club, origami, ukulele, yoga, Zumba, chess and painting. Clubs that are in high demand will be offered several times for different age ranges.
An intermural sports program is available for students in 4th, 5th and 6th grade to participate in. We have four sport seasons and compete against other teams in our district. Students have the opportunity to play flag football, volleyball, basketball and soccer. The Expanded learning staff, regular day teachers, and community volunteers coach each team. The inter-district sports are very popular with the students and increase program participation, improve school spirit, and involve parents in the Expanded learning program.
Accelerated Reading is an important program used in our District. Reading is incorporated into each academic hour. Students are advised to read within their reading level and only able to participate in sports if they are meeting their reading goal.
The County Libraries are in close vicinity to Bates Elementary, D.H. White Elementary, Walnut Grove Elementary and Isleton Elementary; the librarian communicates with the program staff regularly about upcoming events and works with the site coordinator to include various groups from the expanded learning program. Programs that we have attended have been, Hot Wheel Engineering, Ozobots, Explore and Observe, Hawks, Honkers and Hoots, Paper Airplane Exploring, Dinosaur Fossils.
Students that stay in the expanded learning program have access to three different Chromebook carts as well as, a full computer lab. These technology tools are used for various programs and projects. Students use Google classroom to work on presentations that give them the opportunity to their practice public speaking and leadership skills. Typing games are often used to help students practice the speed and efficiency of their typing.
The Expanded Learning Opportunity Program collaborates three to four times a year with school administration to host a STEM Family night. Expanded learning staff members help facilitate activities that are fun and engaging for students as well as, their parents/ guardians.
3–Skill Building:
Describe how the program will provide opportunities for students to experience skill-building.
Expanded learning staff members plan a variety of activities that help practice skills for overall student success. Students frequently participate in research projects followed by Kahoot challenges. Google slides is also used for student created presentations, where creativity and public speaking are encouraged. Digital Break Out challenges are another fun way for students to use technology and think analytically all while problem solving.
The program brings a wide range of benefits to our students, their families and our communities. The program provides a boost for academic performances, reduce behavior issues, promotes physical health, encourages different artistic areas and structure for children of working parents. According to a national evaluation, 40 percent of the students attending the after school program improve reading and math grades and are more likely to attend school regularly (Naftzger et.al., 2007). In addition, the program is an intervention program that helps working families to ensure students have a safe and supportive environment which can help reduce drug usage and criminal behaviors at a young age and overall reduce student dropout rate.
The Expanded Learning Opportunity Program asks staff members to meet with teachers at least once a month to discuss student needs and areas of focus for specific classes. Staff members complete a teacher communication log to document general topics discussed.
The site coordinator is a member of school site council and attends each planned meeting. During the meetings the council examines the school and districts SBAC scores and makes school wide goals and determines areas of focus. The site coordinator uses this information to find additional materials and activities that can help support the school’s goals by providing students with extra support and practice.
4–Youth Voice and Leadership:
Describe how the program will provide opportunities for students to engage in youth voice and leadership.
All students participating in the ELO-P will take a part in the following:
Google classroom is a tool that is used weekly, if not daily, in our program. Students frequently participate using google forms to give our program feedback. The site coordinator reviews the data collected and shares it with staff members and fellow site coordinators in our district.
Leadership academy is another way for students to work on their leadership skills. Our student council members meet once a month during our program to discuss plans for regular day and our expanded learning program. The principal acts as the advisor and works closely with the site coordinator to discuss topics and feedback. Student reflection forms are completed and collect after each academy. Student council members also decorate the school during our program for several themes throughout the year.
Our program offers one to two clubs a month. Each club is a month long and meets once a week. Students can sign up for clubs as long as it’s in the correct age group. On the last day of the club, members will complete a “Club Feedback.” Club Feedbacks are used in planning and improvement of the club for the following year as well as an opportunity for students to voice what clubs they would like to participate in. Clubs that will be featured this year are: Cooking club, Art club, Lego quest, photography, engineering, beading club, origami, ukulele, yoga, Zumba, chess and painting. Clubs that are in high demand will be offered several times for different age ranges.
Expanded learning staff “check in” monthly with their typical group. During these check ins, students and staff are to create a list of interests and activities the students would like to participate in.
5–Healthy Choices and Behaviors:
Describe how the program will provide opportunities for students to engage in healthy choices and behaviors. Describe how students will be served nutritious meals and/or snacks during the ELO Program hours of programming.
Expanded Learning staff members are encouraged to lead by example when it comes to healthy choices. We provide students with healthy treats and incentives.
Each year, one of our monthly themes relates to healthy choices and behaviors. During the month we focus a little extra on educating students on types of healthy choices and the importance of them.
Our program was selected to participate in the Taste to Teach program sponsored by Ag in the Classroom. This program has fun and engaging activities that promote healthy choices and encourages students to try new produce as well as learn about the importance of agriculture.
ELO-P serves a meal and a snack each day to all students in the program. We work with our food service to provide students with nutritious meals and snacks for each student. See Appendix A for a sample menu for the dinner program can be found at the end of this program plan.
The following items are examples of what offered to our students for their evening snack. Kids Munchie Mix, Cheez-its, Goldfish, Animal Crackers, Fresh Fruit, Milk and Chocolate Milk.
ELO-P will use positive behavior changes in the Expanded learning program. It is difficult to have a successful program when students are not focused and attentive. Each month site coordinators will send a behavior log to the program coordinator that will include any behavior problems encountered during the month. The program coordinator will analyze the logs and any student who is continually being disruptive will be put on a behavior plan. Behavior plans will include rewards when students demonstrate the desired behavior and actions plans for the student and Expanded learning staff member when a student demonstrates the undesired behavior. Behavior logs will also be compared throughout the year to evaluate the effectiveness of the behavior plans.
ELO-P uses various types of meditation practices to help students be mindful about their choices and focus on activities. Expanded learning staff members use several meditation scripts, videos, and programs such as the Calm App and Headspace.
6–Diversity, Access, and Equity:
Describe how the program is designed to address cultural and linguistic diversity and provide opportunities for all students to experience diversity, access, and equity.
The Expanded Learning Opportunity Program works hard to keep communication with parents, students, Expanded learning staff and regular day open. We use Parent Square as a way to communicate with parents, this has an easy translate tool and is used by regular day staff as well. All of the material sent home to parents is in English and Spanish. We also have several bilingual staff members that are available to translate as needed.
Each year we have at least one monthly theme dedicated to focus on heritage and culture. During this month, we plan activities that will help celebrate and educate students on their own culture and the cultures of others. This is a time where students are encouraged to learn more about the people around us and celebrate our diversity and the unique community, we all create. Expanded learning staff members plan art activities and provide students with art supplies that are a variety of skin tones. Supplies such as construction paper, paint, crayons, markers, and color pencils are available. Students participate in research projects and presentations, an example of one of the projects that is focused on can be found in Appendix B. Expanded learning staff members bring in different types of foods from a variety of cultures for students to have the opportunity to taste.
ELO-P staff regularly collaborate with families and school staff to better meet the needs of the youth. ELO-P is committed to working with the schools we serve to identify and recruit a diverse student population for our program. We market the program by working with the school staff to reach a broad student population, particularly those students most in need of services. ELO-P staff works together with school day staff to identify youth ELA needs and strategies that support school day.
The site coordinator is invited to attend most SST and IEP meetings to gain information that can be used to help ensure students are successful in our program.
Describe how the ELO program will provide access and opportunity for students with disabilities.
All RDUSD students are welcome in the Expanded Learning program. The Expanded Learning Program Site Coordinator will partner with the Special Education Department and teachers on-site. The needs of the students as written in the students’ Individual Education Plans (IEPs) will be met, including but not limited to adapted activities and schedules to promote the participation of all students.
7–Quality Staff:
Describe how the program will provide opportunities for students to engage with quality staff.
RDUSD’s minimum requirements for an instructional aide are high school diploma or equivalent; Must pass district administered Proficiency test; Effective methods of controlling student behavior; Basic English; Basic first aid and CPR. The requirements for Expanded learning staff are the same.
Expanded learning staff and Site Coordinators are recruited through our district’s personnel department. All openings are posted throughout the district, in the local newspaper and on the EdJoin website for a minimum of 5 days. Because all Expanded learning staff is hired through the district personnel office, the district’s personnel director ensures that all staff meets the minimum requirements.
Expanded learning staff members are retained through quality training and the support of their supervisors. All ELO-P staff is trained throughout the year on behavior management, effective teaching techniques, curriculum, and technology. Additional training opportunities through Sacramento County Office of Education are available for staff interested in further professional development. Three districtwide professional development (CQI) workshops are provided by district coordinator and site coordinators. CQI workshops are in August, October, March. The district program coordinator determines professional development activities with input from the site coordinator, staff, classroom teachers, parents, and principals. Areas in which there is a need for improvement are identified and analyzed throughout the district. An appropriate training is then researched and presented. Trainings and workshops are offered at the site level, district level, county/region level and on-line. We also include Expanded learning staff members in curriculum and technology trainings that are offered to the regular day teachers.
Each Expanded learning staff member meets formally and informally 2-3 times a month with their site coordinator and the district coordinator. The district coordinator and site coordinators also provide written feedback with the use of “Walk Throughs” on activities and classroom management at least once a month to Expanded learning staff regarding their job performance.
Because we support our Expanded learning staff and value each staff member, we have created “Leader Bucks” as a fun way for our staff members to be recognized for an outstanding job. Administration, regular day staff, and all of our program staff are encouraged to participate. Leader Bucks are collected monthly, at random a staff member is selected to receive a special recognition.
We have continuous communication with regular day teachers and staff to make sure that our program aligns with the regular school day as much as possible. The activities that we plan, tend to correlate with what is currently happening in the classroom. By keeping open communication policy with teachers, we are able to adjust our schedule as needed to reach the needs of our students. We also communicate with the principal to ensure that the overall needs of the entire school are being meet by the program.
8–Clear Vision, Mission, and Purpose:
Describe the program’s clear vision, mission, and purpose. Describe how the needs of the community, students, parents, and school were identified (i.e., assessment scores, number of students performing academically below grade level, school and community safety data, attendance and truancy rates, and juvenile crime rates, etc.), the resources available, and how those needs will be addressed.
The Expanded Learning Opportunity Program is a program that serves three different sites in the River Delta Unified School District. Our district is located along the Sacramento River and is made up of small, rural, agriculture communities. Opportunities for recreation, entertainment and academic support are sparse. Many of our families are migrant farm workers and work very long hours far from home and school. We consulted with RDUSD district personnel, city council members, public libraries, local law enforcement. As a result, ELO-P programs provide a place for students to learn, socialize, participate in sports, and join clubs and activities in a supportive and safe environment.
Describe three to five program goals developed from the results of the needs assessment and how will data be collected to evaluate whether program goals are being met.
To ensure that all resources are optimized by the district to meet the needs of students, parents, and the community, program goals will align the district’s priorities.
- Teaching and Learning
- Stakeholder communication and engagement
- Safety and Wellness
Describe how the program has engaged or will engage educational
Based on these identified needs the goals of River Delta’s ELO-P are:
- Provide a safe environment where students can improve social emotional and communication skills, learn, and play outside of school
- Increase students learning to develop skills and Leadership skills by engaging in the enrichment development process.
- Increase student’s physical fitness through structured recreation activities and increased outdoor play
- Provide educational and social support for migrant families through homework assistance and increased communication between school staff and parents
ELO-P asks staff members to meet with teachers at least once a month to discuss student needs and areas of focus for specific classes. Staff members complete a teacher communication log to document general topics discussed. Each ELO-P staff member is provided with a district email, staff members check their emails daily.
9–Collaborative Partnerships:
Describe the program’s collaborative partnerships. Local educational agencies are encouraged to collaborate with non-LEA entities to administer and implement ELO programs.
Because most of RDUSD’s schools are in rural, small communities, there are limited opportunities for partnerships. However, the collaboration that is in place throughout the district and each small community is very strong. The program has the full support of the Board of Trustees, active involvement of the district office personnel, as well as the support of the school staff. The district offers fiscal and personnel administration and support, use of facilities, insurance, and cooperative support from the site staff. On a regular basis, the Program Coordinator meets with the principals and classroom teachers at each school site to review the progress of the program.
ELO-P also works closely with the Parent–Teacher Associations/Clubs (PTA/PTC) as well as the English Language Advisory Committees (ELAC) at each site. At each site Expanded learning staff members serve on these committees and we are continually looking for ways to work together collaboratively to improve the overall school experience for our students.
Expanded learning staff members meet with teachers at least once a month to discuss student needs and areas of focus for specific classes as well as successes. Staff members complete a teacher communication log to document general topics discussed.
The site coordinator meets formally with the school principal at least once a month as well as several informal meetings.
The site coordinator attends monthly teacher staff meetings, teachers are updated and given the opportunity to discuss any feedback or concerns at this time.
The County Library is in close vicinity to Bates Elementary, D.H. White Elementary, Isleton Elementary and Walnut Grove Elementary schools, the librarian communicates with the program staff regularly about upcoming events and works with the site coordinator to include various groups from the expanded learning program. Program that we have attended have been, Hot Wheel Engineering, Ozobots, Explore and Observe, Hawks, Honkers and Hoots, Paper Airplane Exploring, Dinosaur Fossils.
Each site has partnered with Agriculture in the Classroom. Ag in the Classroom has provided the programs with the “Taste to Teach” curriculum and a gift card to make purchases that correlate with the provided lessons.
The program coordinator is the primary person responsible for the evaluation of the program’s effectiveness. The program coordinator will conduct collaborative meetings annually to evaluate the program’s effectiveness. The collaborative meetings will include site coordinators, staff members, the principal, teachers, parents, and community members for each site. The program coordinator will also meet weekly with site coordinators, staff, and principals at each site, as well as the district’s business office to ensure that the program is running well and meeting all of the ELO-P criteria.
- River Delta District Administrators
- River Delta School Site Principals
- River Delta Director of Expanded Learning
- River Delta Expanded Learning Program Coordinator
- River Delta Site Coordinator
10–Continuous Quality Improvement:
Describe the program’s Continuous Quality Improvement plan.
Student surveys have established that through homework support, academic skills building activities and enrichment opportunities, we are promoting academic engagement and skill confidence of all students.
Our assessment data shows that student participants benefit greatly from homework support, as most of our families work late and have little time to complete homework when they get home. Our homework support component provides an environment where students get assistance with homework and build study skills. When students complete their homework, they may engage in provided skill building activities or practice peer-to-peer assistance.

11–Program Management:
The funding provides additional academic and social support to promote responsible and productive citizens. We strive to promote high expectations for all students and to provide a safe learning environment where students receive additional academic, enrichment and social support. ELO-P staff works side by side with the general education teachers, support staff and administration to ensure all students meet the academic standards. In addition, the school counselor provides student trainings on conflict management and peer mediation to address social emotional needs of our students. Some of the enrichment activities we implement are the sports, art classes, STEM Nights, student clubs, implementation of AVID, Leadership Academies etc.
Our program focuses on the student as a whole by providing multiple of opportunities for growth.
The ELO-P consists of three basic components: homework/tutoring, recreation, and enrichment. Our homework hour is usually the first hour of the program. Students are grouped into grade level groups of similar grade level groups (2nd/3rd grade together). The homework component is staffed by our Expanded learning staff with a typical ratio of 20:1 student to one staff member. At most sites, classroom teachers also work with students during this first hour. Teachers work with students to complete their homework, but also support student learning by tutoring students in reading, writing and math. The extra support helps the students succeed during the regular school day.
Our homework hour is staffed by after school staff and classroom teachers. During the homework hour students can complete unfinished homework and receive homework assistance from staff and teachers.
The Program Director, Program Coordinator, Site Coordinator, and an Expanded learning group leader for each grade level.
The Program Director is responsible for all aspects of after school programming at the district level. The Program Director, supervises and supports the Program Coordinator, who then supervises the Site Coordinator and guides staff professional development, with a span of control that ensures high-quality supervision.
Program Coordinator at ELO-P is responsible for all aspects of after school programming and is the primary point of contact. Program Coordinator: provide on-site coaching, observations, feedback, staff development plans and resources for the students. Program Coordinator ensures there is an alignment between the Expanded learning program and the school day programming, Program Coordinator work closely with principals to recruit, hire, orient, and supervise after school Site Coordinators.
The Site Coordinators are responsible for day-to-day management and supervision of the Expanded learning program. Our Site Coordinator is on site between 26.75 to 29.25 hours a week and is the primary point of contact for their school’s after school program. Expanded learning staff report to the Site Coordinator.
Expanded learning staff are supervised by the site coordinator and receive regular constructive observation feedback. Site coordinators meet regularly as well as, hold monthly formal meetings with their site staff to plan, discuss, evaluate program quality, and problem solve as a team.
Program Director and Program Coordinators meet monthly to share district information, initiatives, and agency’s goals and evaluate program quality.
Program Coordinators and Site Coordinators meet monthly to share information, initiatives, and agency’s goals evaluate program quality.
Our Program Plan will be reviewed annually in our collaborative meetings that include the program coordinator, site coordinators, staff members, principals, teachers, parents and community members from each site. The River Delta USD administrators including the Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, business office support staff, and the program coordinator will also review the program plan at the end of the year.
Fiscal accounting is completed by the Business Office at River Delta USD in conjunction with the program coordinator. Quarterly expenditure reports are submitted to the California Department of Education office by the business department.
Attendance is recorded at each site daily. Staff members take roll at the beginning of each program. Attendance is then entered onto Aeries system bubble sheets and scanned biweekly by Aeries appointee. There is also a sign out sheet placed at the entrance to the programs for parents to sign out. Sign out sheets include students name, parent signature, time the child was picked up and the reason the child was picked up early, if applicable.
Our program is open until 6 o’clock every day. A student may be released early from the after school program prior to the end of the program time based on the following conditions.
- Parent Choice
- Bussing schedule
- Attending another program (outside sports, activities, catechism, etc.)
- Family Emergencies (such as death in the family, catastrophic incidents, etc.).
- Medical appointments
- Child Illness or accidents that occur during program time (program staff should call parent or guardian)
- Weather conditions, especially if the child walks home
- Other conditions especially on safety as prescribed by the school.
General Questions
Existing After School Education and Safety (ASES) and 21st Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Elementary and Middle School grantees. ASES, 21st CCLC Elementary/Middle School, and the ELO Program should be considered a single, comprehensive program. In coordinating all these funding streams to move towards a single program, the expectation is that the most stringent requirements will be adopted for program guidance. If one or both grants are held, please describe how the ELO program funding will be used to create one comprehensive and universal Expanded Learning Program.
In RDUSD, Bates Elementary, Isleton Elementary, and Walnut Grove Elementary have the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program. As we expand the opportunity to all students in RDUSD, we are committed to providing a highly engaging and safe program at all schools within the district. We are fortunate to have experience with successful programs that model expand programming. Consistent program expectations across the district are essential to equal and equitable access.
Our priority is to serve our unduplicated students, followed by the remaining students who need after-school programs. At current ASES programs in the district, the ELO-P Funding will provide access to students who were previously did not have an after school program their school site. In addition to providing after school programs at all elementary K-6 schools. Before school care will be provided at all elementary school sites. Currently due to AB86 one time funding, before school care is being offered at three of the elementary schools in 2021-22 school year. The goal is to provide a comprehensive program to continue these services at all elementary schools and expand offering to all students in need of before school care. The goal is that all schools open at 7:00 a.m. to support families in need of care in the mornings for all instructional days at all four elementary school sites.
In conjunction with, the Expanded Learning Quality Standards will continue to guide professional development for all staff, processes for continuous quality improvement in programs and staff program implementation. All staff both in ASES and ELO-P will receive the same training, support, and evaluation to ensure quality control and standardization across programs so that youth receiving programs and activities will have the same information and access. Standardization in schedules, registrations, orientation, as well as parental/guardian requirements across all programs, is equally important as staff training and program implementation.
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten
Programs serving transitional kindergarten or kindergarten pupils shall maintain a pupil-to-staff member ratio of no more than 10 to 1. (EC Section 46120[b][2][D]). Please address the proposed schedule and plan for recruiting and preparing staff to work in the program, including supporting them to understand how to work with younger children. How will the lower pupil-to-staff ratio be maintained? How will the curriculum and program be developmentally-informed to address this younger age group?
Current before and after school programs have served transitional kindergarten and kindergarten students at a 20:1 ratio. All schools run an All-day Kindergarten schedule. Expanded Learning program will provide access to students before, during, and, after school in alignment with the 9-hour expectation and the ratio of 10 students to 1 staff member. ELO-P plans to include, however not limited to curriculum created for our TK/K program will reflect early childhood education and will include literacy enrichment and educational enrichment activities. STREAM and LitArt curriculum will be provided as education enrichment activities that adapt to early childhood education.
TK and Kinder staff members must meet the minimum qualifications, hiring requirements, and procedures for an instructional aide working within the school district. In addition, all staff will be required to have a minimum of 12 units in early childhood development and have been First Aid and CPR certified.
Sample Program Schedule
Please submit a sample program schedule that describes how the ELO-P or other fund sources, including the California State Preschool Program for children enrolled in transitional kindergarten or kindergarten, will be combined with the instructional day to create a minimum of nine hours per day of programming (instructional day plus ELO-P or other supports). Also, submit a sample schedule for a minimum nine-hour summer or Intersession day.
We are excited to offer Expanded Learning Opportunities for all students in TK-K in RDUSD. We are looking forward to providing daily support to TK-K families that request placement in our ELO Programs.
All our TK-K classrooms follow a daily after school schedule. At each site, our site coordinators create a schedule that works for their room and age group. See sample below:

Below are additional legal requirements for the ELO-P. Please ensure your Program Plan meets all of these legal requirements:
EC Section 46120(b)(2):
[LEAs] operating expanded learning opportunities programs may operate a before school component of a program, an after school component of a program, or both the before and after school components of a program, on one or multiple school sites, and shall comply with subdivisions (c), (d), and (g) of Section 8482.3, including the development of a program plan based on the following;
(2) [LEAs] operating expanded learning opportunity programs pursuant to this section may operate a before school component of a program, an after school component of a program, or both the before and after school components of a program, on one or multiple school sites, and shall comply with subdivisions (c), (d), and (g) of Section 8482.3, including the development of a program plan based on all of the following:
- The department’s guidance.
- Section 8482.6.
- Paragraphs (1) to (9), inclusive, and paragraph (12) of subdivision (c) of Section 8483.3.
- Section 8483.4, except that programs serving transitional kindergarten or kindergarten pupils shall maintain a pupil-to-staff member ratio of no more than 10 to 1.
EC Section 46120(b)(1)(A):
On schooldays, as described in Section 46100 and Sections 46110 to 46119, inclusive, and days on which school is taught for the purpose of meeting the 175-instructional-day offering as described in Section 11960 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, in-person before or after school expanded learning opportunities that, when added to daily instructional minutes, are no less than nine hours of combined instructional time and expanded learning opportunities per instructional day.
EC Section 46120(b)(1)(B):
For at least 30 non schooldays, during intersessional periods, no less than nine hours of in-person expanded learning opportunities per day.
EC Section 46120(b)(3):
[LEAs] shall prioritize services provided pursuant to this section at school sites in the lowest income communities, as determined by prior year percentages of pupils eligible for free and reduced-price meals, while maximizing the number of schools and neighborhoods with expanded learning opportunities programs across their attendance area.
EC Section 46120(b)(4):
[LEAs] may serve all pupils, including elementary, middle, and secondary school pupils, in expanded learning opportunity programs provided pursuant to this section.
EC Section 46120(b)(6):
[LEAs] are encouraged to collaborate with community-based organizations and childcare providers, especially those participating in state or federally subsidized childcare programs, to maximize the number of expanded learning opportunities programs offered across their attendance areas.
EC Section 46120(c):
A [LEA] shall be subject to the audit conducted pursuant to Section 41020 to determine compliance with subdivision (b).
EC Section 8482.3(d):
[LEAs] shall agree that snacks made available through a program shall conform to the nutrition standards in Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 49430) of Chapter 9 of Part 27 of Division 4 of Title 2.
[LEAs] shall agree that meals made available through a program shall conform to the nutrition standards of the United States Department of Agriculture’s at-risk after-school meal component of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (42 United States Code [U.S.C.] Section 1766).
EC Section 8482.6:
Every pupil attending a school operating a program . . . is eligible to participate in the program, subject to program capacity. A program established . . . may charge family fees. Programs that charge family fees shall waive the cost of these fees for pupils who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals, for a child that is a homeless youth, as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Section 11434a), or for a child who the program knows is in foster care. A program that charges family fees shall schedule fees on a sliding scale that considers family income and ability to pay.
EC sections 8483.4 and 46120(b)(2)(D):
The administrator of every program established pursuant to this article shall establish minimum qualifications for each staff position that, at a minimum, ensure that all staff members who directly supervise pupils meet the minimum qualifications for an instructional aide, pursuant to the policies of the school district. Selection of the program site supervisors shall be subject to the approval of the school site principal. The administrator shall also ensure that the program maintains a pupil-to-staff member ratio of no more than 20 to 1. All program staff and volunteers shall be subject to the health screening and fingerprint clearance requirements in current law and district policy for school personnel and volunteers in the school district, except that programs serving transitional kindergarten or kindergarten pupils shall maintain a pupil-to-staff member ratio of no more than 10 to 1.
EC Section 8482.3(c)(1)(A–B):
Each component of a program established pursuant to this article shall consist of the following two elements:
- An educational and literacy element in which tutoring or homework assistance is provided in one or more of the following areas: language arts, mathematics, history and social science, computer training, or science.
- An educational enrichment element that may include, but need not be limited to: fine arts, career technical education, recreation, physical fitness, and prevention activities.
Healthy Choices and Behaviors

Appendix B
6–Diversity, Access, and Equity
Holidays Around the World
- Pick a Country- Pick a country that begins with the first letter of your first name...Can’t think of one? Google it or collaborate with a neighbor.
- Enter your country on the master list. Note: A country may only be chosen by two different people. If your country has already been selected by a classmate, you must pick another.
- Create a google slide short presentation about how that country celebrates a Holiday. Hint: Christmas may not be celebrated in all countries. If your country does not celebrate Christmas, what is their most famous holiday?
- Be ready to give a 5-8-minute presentation about your country and all you learned.