River Delta Unified values parent/guardian input and participation. Additionally, parent/guardian input is a vital part of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) process. This year we are pleased to be implementing the California Schools Parent Survey (CSPS). This short survey allows RDUSD to confidentially gather information from families. The data collected includes perceptions about the school’s learning environment, school climate, student supports, and school outreach. The questions are aligned with the student and staff surveys we will be using this year.
The survey is offered in English and Spanish and typically takes parents less than half and hour to finish. Please click here to let your voice be heard by participating in the survey!
Parents with multiple students in RDUSD: This survey is site specific. Parents with students at multiple school sites will be sent one survey for each site that your children attend. Please complete a survey for each school site your child(ren) attend.
Survey window will close on January 26th.
Thank you for your participation!